EP 104: Urban Legends of the Last Millennium
Listen up cryptic cuties, we got a classic horror trope coming at ya! The "call is coming from inside the house" babysitter urban legend! We've all heard the classic lines like-What's your favorite scary movie? from Scream, etc, but did any of that actually ever happen?? Was a babysitter really murdered, or someone ever calling and asking her to check on the children? Kelsey spills the teenage tea on this case, the case of Janett Christman. We were surprised to learn how much of it was actual true- or not.
Alanna goes a different direction with something a little dark- and fun for gamers?? what have you heard about Polybius, an arcade game that may or may not have existed? Pinball wizard or not- you will probably enjoy this obscure conspiracy theory! Stay tuned for a bonus episode about the dark side of Disney!! Promo of the week: All Hallow's Eve podcast

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