112: The Deadliest Duos
Hey Cryptic Cuties it's crime time again! Remember when Kelsey covered the infamous Moors Murders way back in Episode 22? Neither do we at this point, really! So it's about time for another case of couples who kill (or Moor Murders if you will :P)
Kelsey kicks it off with a typically dark case of course, notorious killers Alton Coleman and Debra Brown. They were not your typical serial killers, they picked victims who were known as pillars of the community, often asking for their help as a ruse to gain their trust. They also had a habit of leaving tokens or items from previous victims with newer victims bodies.
Alanna closes it out with the Lonely Hearts Killers, several book tangents and pauses for cat insanity. We're sorry, we love reading and Kelsey's cat is probably possessed by some minor demon, we cut most of his attack on Kelsey's ankles out. Raymond Martinez Fernandez hooked up with Martha Beck, abandoned all their kids and embarked on a life conning and eventually killing wealthy women. They were the swindlers before there was even Tinder. Or as Alanna kept saying it Tindler Swindler. It's a tongue twister, try it!!
Darkcast Network Promo of the Week!! @autumnsoddities

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