114: Maritime Mysteries-International Waters Edition
Most of us can agree that the deep ocean can be scary as hell. There's even a specific word for the phobia of large underwater creatures or objects that I bet lots of us have- it's called megalohydrothalassophobia. But what's even scarier than the water itself, we ask? It's always the bad people who make this such a frightening place to be. Come hop on our lifeboat as we plunge into International waters!
We could say you need to hear Kelsey's case like you need a hole in the hull! at least that's what the expression should be after hearing this story. Suspicious holes, coins of silver, tragedy at sea, this case has it all- except for an answer to what happened to Isabella Hellman. The only one who did know something, the husband, wasn't saying anything.
Alanna's case is just as mystifying, if not more so. There's several players involved, but the main characters were on a honeymoon just like Kelsey's couple, and it turned into a dark cocktail of drinking, discord, and dark intentions. The case of George Smith IV is a mind-boggling web of witness statements, secret videos and the death of one half of this promising young couple, just starting out on their lives together. One thing is for sure, when it comes to law and order, the high seas are sometimes a hard, dangerous place to be.
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