115: Maritime Mysteries Vol.2 Secrets of the Seas
Ahoy-hoy cryptic mateys, we have sailed back into a podcast harbour near you! That's harbour with a U cause we speak the Queen's English here in Canadaland, dontcha know? It's fitting that Alanna just returned home from the Maritimes in Atlantic Canada, since we are hitting you with more maritime mysteries! We love the ocean, but she scares us a little too, gotta respect that shit, you know what we mean?? :)
Kelsey takes us aboard the ship known as the Joyita, whose voyage proved less than joyful at its end. There were several prominent people on board including a doctor who was on his way to perform an amputation on a patient far away. But the vessel and its supplies would never make it to it destination. She takes us through the clues we do have and then we speculate wildly, of course.
Alanna has an unsolved mystery that's shore to titillate and intrigue you! On the craggy cliffs of coastal Scotland, three lighthouse keepers go missing at the turn of the century. Was it the storm come to claim them, foul play or something even more sinister? With this one the theories all speculate wildly so we don't have to! Shiver me timbers and me bones, what do you all think are the best theories? Drop it (like a heavy anchor) in the comments!!
Promo of the week! PNW Haunts and Homicides https://www.pnwhauntsandhomicides.com/

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