119: Canada's Crisis: Missing + Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls +Two-Spirits
In honor of Truth & Reconciliation Day 2023, we decided to shine a light on some cases of missing and murdered indigenous females and 2-spirit identifying people. We have a horrible history in Canada of crushing down the native cultures of our land, and it's only in recent years that Canada has begun trying to right those wrongs. One of the biggest dangers facing indigenous and First Nations females today is violence and death, especially in vulnerable communities and areas.
Kelsey takes us a few provinces over to Winnipeg, Manitoba where many women have gone missing and have later been found in local landfills. This makes it extra hard for investigators to recover the remains and bring closure to the families. But the biggest question remains, are they, and we, doing enough? Alanna brings us back west to British Columbia and it's infamous Highway of Tears. This stretch of road runs red with the blood of the women abducted while travelling to neighboring communities. Just trying to visit family turns into a deadly game when walking this highway, and it's difficult to pin down the exact number of victims, as well as find the perpetrators.
Hopefully the more we speak out about the atrocities committed in our own proverbial backyards, the less they will get away with this shit.

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