170: Doppelgänger Origins & Stories
François Brunelle has spent decades taking pictures of identical strangers around the world
Hey cryptic cuties, we have a much lighter ep this week! Revisiting something disscussed all the way back in our 1st ep about Death Omens, we have Doppelgängers.
The idea of doublewalkers, evil twins, fetch, ka, or spirit doubles, has been around for centuries from all around the world. While some stories of their appearance seem to bring illness, bad luck or even death, others seem to be more benevolent.
Kelsey shares some examples of historical figures who are said to have encountered their own doubles, while Alanna has some more recent stories off Reddit.
If you have ever encountered your doppelgänger or someone who looked eerily like you, send us your story, we would love to be able to share it on a future ep! Happy Listening!
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