172: Crimes on the Water
Where there's smoke, there's fire...even on the water. We do keep coming back to this well (pun very much intended), of watery cases, as so many strange cases happen when one loses their life on the water. Or around the water, or in a flaming boat like a little too-early of a Viking funeral. Woof, sorry, this one is very dark indeed, with 2 cold cases of murder offshore.
Kelsey takes us to Alaska, where the Coulthurst family was taking their annual fishing vacation. We still aren't sure why it ends in tragedy, with a family dead and all hands on deck too.
If that's not enough of a bummer, Alanna tells us the story of Pat Mullins, who fell victim to something nefarious from what we can tell, but both cases have eerie similarities and, unfortunately, remain unsolved.
One cute thing in this episode is the sheer amount of cat purrs we cot, maybe Gordo wanted to comfort us in our time of need! LOL Hope you like it!
Darkcast Promo of the week! True Crime Connections
Check them out, and Keep it Cryptic!

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