180: Lana Turner +Johnny Stompanato: Love Hurts

APOLOGIES for the Delay, tech issues struck again! Trigger warning: for Abuse, Attempted Suicide, Miscarriage and sexual abuse mentions. Please listen with care.

Old Hollywood Part Two is here and its all about the "Goddess and the Gangster" aka Lana Turner and Johnny Stompanato. Let's just say it's a bit of a rollercoaster, rags to riches story with a raging violent streak.

We go through Lana's early life and who she married before she met Johnny (she could give Liz Taylor a run for her money!) and their love story. Of course, it's true crime so somebody's gonna get hurt and we won't say anymore, you'll have to listen and find out! The glam factor is fun, from her pink carpets to her white Cadillacs, and it's not necessarily a super sad ending for all involved, so tune in to here the Old Hollywood Tea!

Hope you enjoy and tell us what you think! Keep it Cryptic, Cuties!!!


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179: Captivating Hollywood Crimes