Episode 2: Canadian True Crime


It's episode 2! And it's time for some Canucks who are f**ked up. Kelsey covers the story of a guy you don't want to accept ANY free drinks from (and that's saying something coming from me!) After that, Alanna covers her first "monster". We promise you'll never look at a tv antenna the same again. You know how tv's used to have antenna's for reception? .....If you don't you are not old enough to listen to this podcast.

Trigger warning, it's a nasty one. So crack open a cold one, because you are gonna need it for Canadian True Crime.


Listen to this episode from Castles & Cryptids on Spotify. It's episode 2! And it's time for some Canucks who are f**ked up. Kelsey covers the story of a guy you don't want to accept ANY free drinks from (and that's saying something coming from me!) After that, Alanna covers her first "monster".


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Episode 3: Yeh Cursed


Episode 1: Death Omens