EP 61: Cruel Cults
What constitutes a cult? Charismatic leader that plays or knows God, demands of undying devotion and very disgusting acts of violence? and well, we have all those in spades in this episode of cruel cults and scary loosely religious based followings.
Kelsey covers the High Priestess of Blood and her unusual rise to goddess status in the small town of Yerba Buena, Mexico. The whole town ended up under her spell and was controlled also by the Hernandez brothers. Things grew very dark, very quickly, and everything from human sacrifice to pedophilia was condoned.
Then, in a nod to Canada Day, Alanna teaches us all about a Canadian cult called the Ant Hill Kids. Yes, they worked hard, but has anyone heard of the death spiral? It's when ants lose the pheromonal trail and form a never ending spiral that they will walk to their death.... So it's not a surprise they don't question their "fearless leader" when he mutilates and tortures his followers and family. This is the story of a fanatic gone wrong.

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