EP 76: Occult-ish October
The occult, cults, necromancy, necrophilia- ever wonder what these words mean that sound so similar? We've probably all heard them before but if you are like us, you might be curious to learn more- without ending up on a government watch list. Don't worry, we got you! We did all the searching for you so you never have to say necromancy when you really mean necrophilia. Talk about a Freudian slip!
Kelsey took us on a journey through the meaning of necromancy, what parts of this dark magic are misunderstood and what it all encompasses. Its roots go back further than you think....maybe dead men do tell tales, after all. Alanna takes us on a mini-tour of the occult world, beginning on a bald mountain hat's seen some SHIT. From witches to political executions, it's got all the dark and twisted history! and some statues too. Then its on to Britain to meet a few famous occultists and a Black Sabbath bridge.
Stopovers include: tv tangents, multiple mentions of Fringe, sidetracks into podcast land and several mispronunciations of a fairly famed poet. (Sorry!)

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