EP 82: Rage Inside the Machines
Stephen & Danielle
If you've ever driven, well anywhere, you've probably had an experience with some form of road rage. Whether yours, or someone else's perhaps. It's okay, you can tell us! but what about the times when some driver takes it too far, from confrontational to criminal?
Kenneth Noye went from a petty criminal to not-so-petty criminal pretty quickly in life, so it's not a stretch to say he probably had a quick fuse as well. One day in beautiful England, Stephen Cameron was on his way to get some snacks with his fiancée in London. He had no idea who or what he would cross paths with along the way...
We cover a case of Canadians behaving badly towards other cars of Canadians in Windsor, Ontario. And then we go south of the border, down Nevada way. Where a violent altercation and a case of mistaken identity (or two), leads to a very sad ending.
Wherever you are please, drive safe! and if you are in your car right now, you better not be driving and reading this! Naughty listener!
But feel free to turn us way up in your speakers at stoplights with the windows rolled down. Enjoy the weird looks!

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