EP 85: Christmas Traditions
Happy Holidays cryptic cuties! Our very special gift to you is an ep all about Christmas Traditions from around the world. We hope you have been good this year, or else the subject of Kelsey's segment might pay you a visit. If you live in Europe you may know all about this frightening figure, he brings beatings to misbehaving children, or may even take them back to his lair to eat later.
Alanna closes out the last ep of 2022 with two interesting Yule Witches, Frau Perchta and Befana, neither one you would want to meet if you have been naughty instead of nice this year. Gruß vom Krampus, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from Alanna & Kelsey, we appreciate each and every one of you! We will catch up with you all in 2023.

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